We have wanted to describe Messina’s basic composition, that is, to list everything that makes up our being.
In this journey, we have understood that Messina would not be what it is without its fundamental bases: Our Kitchen, Our Front-of-House, Our Clients, Our Suppliers, and The products that we use.

These five bases constitute our genetic blueprint; without one of them, our restaurant would be something different, but with the presence of all of them, we can define the MESSINA DNA unequivocally.

For this and in collaboration with our interior designer studio “Lago Interioriza”, we set out to represent our DNA through an artistic expression and make it known on the facade of our restaurant. We understood then that this shy facade that hid and reserved all our secrets only for the customers who sat at our tables, today had to take the spotlight it deserved after more than 20 years of tireless work.

So we decided to open up and show ourselves, we decided to intervene in our quiet and shy restaurant’s window and exhibit a sensitive representation of our formula and tell our DNA.
For this, hanging structures were designed with conceptual designs representing the DNA of each component.

The Kitchen Staff

Our kitchen staff is composed of each of the dishwashers, cooks, head chefs, and stagiaires who have joined our team throughout these 20 years. If we had to name them one by one, the list would be too long.

For this reason, its Chef and creator Mauricio Giovanini, who has been at the helm since day one and is also the person behind every idea, dish, or decision taken place in Messina as the key component that represents this part of our DNA.

The Front of the House

As it has happened with the Kitchen Staff, Messina’s Front of the House has been composed over all this time by many women who have collaborated in its structure. However, the DNA of our front of the house is very easy to identify; during these 20 years it has been led and directed by its owner Pía Ninci at the forefront.

At Messina, the front of the house service is characterized by its courtesy, delicacy, and empathy, defined by customers and critics as a ballet in which movements and coordination are a permanent act. The front of the house at Messina presents a unique and unmistakable DNA in Pía Ninci.

The Customers

Our Customers are our raison d’être , all our actions and decisions are made based on them. They are our past, present, and future, and they are part of the restaurant’s moving history, and the pillar of Messina’s consolidation as a special place to enjoy memorable moments. We wanted to pay tribute to our customers, through “Fernando Alcalá Belón”, whom we met in our early days. We had the pleasure of seeing his children grow with each visit, we were part of celebrations of all kinds and birthdays of each of its members.

We feel honored that they are part of Messina’s history, with endless conversations at the restaurant’s door before leaving, in front of the half-closed eyes of the youngest family member who now surpasses us in height.

Fernando’s legacy will endure in the restaurant forever, and although he is no longer physically present, his influence and contribution will continue to be an integral part of Messina’s identity. His wife and children will continue to be part of our history, and in the future surely their grandchildren. Fernando is part of Messina ‘s DNA.

The suppliers

Our suppliers have been a fundamental pillar for the growth and ongoing evolution of our restaurant. Many of them have been with us since the first orders were placed 20 years ago, playing a crucial role in the development of the experience we offer.

“Salvador Flores” has supported us from the beginning, experiencing both the difficult moments and enjoying our achievements. He, along with other suppliers, has accompanied us on this long journey and represents each one of them, whom we will never tire of thanking every day.

The product

Olive oil is part of the culture of this country, and there may not be a restaurant in Spain that does not use it. If we had to manage without a product, it could never be this one. Olive oil, as it is a fundamental part of most of our recipes, not only forms part of our DNA but also an indispensable part of world gastronomy.